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Allen Meadows
Allen Meadows was a finance executive for 21 years, holding a variety of positions, including stints as the senior vice-president and director of corporate development for Great Western Financial. In 1999 he elected to retire to author a book on the subject of Burgundy but a year later decided to found, a quarterly review that is devoted exclusively to the coverage of burgundy/pinot noir with rotating coverage of Champagnes/Sparklers. was the first of its kind to offer specialized and more importantly exhaustive coverage of a specific wine region. The first Issue was released in January of 2001 and there are now subscribers in more than 62 countries and nearly all 50 states. Meadows spends over five months a year in Burgundy and visits more than 300 domaines during that time.
Founded with business partner Erica Meadows, their son, Chris Meadows, joined as a business partner in 2012. Chris and Erica handle all aspects of the business except wine reviews!
BELOW: Erica and Chris; Allen at work.